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In an age of digital transformation, the realm of construction and architectural planning has seen a monumental leap in accuracy and efficiency, thanks to technologies like Terrestrial Lidar.


Terrestrial Lidar, at its essence, is an advanced scanning technology, casting a vast array of light points onto a surface. These points, once reflected and received back by the scanner, culminate in creating a highly accurate 3D point cloud, which stands as a detailed digital representation of the physical space. Enhancing its utility, some sophisticated systems even integrate a 360° camera, adding color and texture to the point cloud, resulting in a vibrant, true-to-life depiction of the environment.


The market is brimming with a variety of scanners, each catering to specific needs. At OcculAIR, we’re equipped with an array that covers the spectrum from the dynamic Matterport to the precision-driven Leica systems. Depending on the task – be it the size, accuracy requirements, or desired outputs – we choose the most apt scanner to deliver impeccable results. For those who lean toward compatibility with AutoCAD Re-Cap Pro, we’ve got you covered with our .e57 file outputs.


Our commitment to perfection begins even before the scanning process. Each project is preceded by a meticulously crafted “Scan Plan,” charting out every scan location and ensuring a streamlined data collection process. Once the plan is established, we present a fixed-price quote and a clear timeline to our clients, detailing especially our time on the site. Recognizing the value of unhindered scanning, we often operate during early dawn or late night hours, ensuring minimal foot traffic interruptions.

Post-scanning, the ‘Registration’ phase commences. Here, each of our individual scans are seamlessly fused, crafting a holistic and comprehensive 3D model. Every project concludes with our rigorous quality audit, ensuring our clients receive nothing short of the best.


Adopting Terrestrial Lidar isn’t just about embracing technology – it’s about optimizing time, enhancing efficiency, and most importantly, ensuring unparalleled accuracy. In the grand scheme of construction and architectural projects, this tool has proven to be a game-changer, offering significant savings in both time and resources.

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